If you are in a line of work where you receive reviews about it, like I do running a coworking space and writing books, you understand the importance of reviews and feedback from your clients. True positive reviews are great (even the dreadful perfect four star review): they motivate you and your team and also help you with the marketing. Negative ones can help you improve your space if they are constructive and detailed, and the nasty ones can hurt morale a lot.
The best review and feedback Ive ever received about The Coworking Handbook came from Fabio Gatts, the founder of a coworking space in Rio de Janeiro.
Table of Contents
Which is the best review ever?
The best review ever started with this proposal from Fabio that came to my email a few months ago:
A proposal to volunteer to translate The Coworking Handbook to Portuguese, that was executed and gave birth to O manual do coworking :)
Every single review is welcome, but when somebody like Fabio gets to work hard and translates the book because he thinks it is so good it needs to be in Portuguese it is the best review ever. What could be more positive?
The best feedback ever
In the emails that followed and the conversations we had he made it clear: the book had helped him to run his coworking space and he thought it had to exist in Portuguese to be used by other coworking entrepreneurs to set up and run their espaces. Isnt this the best feedback ever?
Not only this. Fabio run a crowdfunding campaign to edit the book and 41 people contributed to make it possible. He even got Coworking Brasil to contribute to the project ! Doesnt this make his feedback even better? :)
Why and How
To be able to better explain Fabios point of view, I sent him a few questions that I thought could help you understand why he decided to translate The Coworking Handbook and how it has helped him to run his coworking space.
How & when did you decide to open Tribo Coworking?
My partner Camila Mireilles and I decided to open Tribo Coworking in 2013, when Camila saw a lecture about shared economy and heard about coworking. We were talking about opening a business, quitting our jobs, so when we heard about it, we decided this is it!.
Which have been the biggest challenges to open and run Tribo Coworking?
We thought that it was a growing market (and it is), but we were surprised that very few people knew about it, at least in Rio de Janeiro. I believe the biggest challenge is to get people to know about it, and to show them that you dont need an office just for you, you can share with others and still grow your business.
How has The Coworking Handbook helped you in your coworking business?
We discovered The Coworking Handbook when we were already creating our space. It helped us to organize how things would work, understand that the community is the center of a coworking space, learn about marketing and about having a minimun size for the space to be interesting for the clientes, learn about finances, etc. With the book, we had an idea about how a good space should be.
What is the part of The Coworking Handbook that had the biggest impact in your coworking business?
It was 3 parts: community, marketing strategy and finances. These chapters in the handbook gave us a direction to follow.
Why did you decide to translate The Coworking Handbook?
First of all, there were no books in brazilian portuguese. All the books were in english. O Manual do Coworking is the first one, and I believe its important to have references in this industry. Also, the coworking industry is growing in Brazil. When we opened, we received some people asking for tips to open a coworking space. When I heard some of the ideas, I knew they wouldnt work (for example, people thinking about opening a space with R$ 10,000). So I started to think about that, if they opened a space like this, people wouldnt like it, they would be broken and the coworking concept would be badly judged. So, I decided to talk to Ramon and translate the book, to help them build a good space.
What’s next for Fabio and Tribo Coworking?
We want to be a reference for coworking spaces in Rio de Janeiro for locals (cariocas) and foreigners (we are coworking in Copacabana, and we receive many foreigners from all over the world), grow in size and reach, and help as many entrepreneurs and small companies as we can.
What can you do to thank Fabio and help O manual do coworking
First of all, send a thank you message to Fabio via Twitter to @tribocoworking or via their contact page. He deserves the reward :)
Then, write up a true positive review of O Manual do Coworking and recommend it to your friends and colleagues that will benefit from reading it (for links to the different stores click here).
Do you want to translate The Coworking Handbook to your language?
Follow Fabios example! If you are willing to do the work and translate the book to your language or can get a budget to pay for the translation, contact me :)