Author: Ramon Suarez

Tech startups, entrepreneurship, & coworking; @Betacowork founder; Coworking Handbook author; @startupsbe &; board member; @hsbxl noob; blogger; chocolate ambassador; Brussels lover. Connect on Twitter and Google+.

Coworking Handbook on Kindle for $9.99 (@GCUCKC special)

coworking-handbook-kindle-amazon-look-insideThe Coworking Handbook is now available on Amazon Kindle with a special limited time offer to celebrate the Global Coworking Unconference Conference GCUC. Find it in your country’s Amazon store:

Greetings from Chicago’s airport!


Coworking Handbook for Sale on CreateSpace

The Coworking Handbook paper edition is now available on CreateSpace.

Coworking Handbook sold on CreateSpace

All other Amazon shops around the world will follow up within the next 7 days (including the Kindle version.)

Final Version Under Review

The Coworking Handbook is beign reviewed by Amazon Create Space

That’s it, the final review of The Coworking Handbook is underway, with the one change that Amazon Create Space demanded (we had to change some fonts in the cover) and some layout changes that I’ve done in the meantime which have augmented the page number and forced Pascal to do some extra work for his fantastic cover. We should hear back from them in less than 24h, and hopefully with no more changes to do :)

If you want to support the book, you can download The Coworking Handbook cover by Pascal van den Driessche and put it up in the walls of your coworking space :)

Looking forward to seeing you at the premiere in NY

Start the Presses! The Coworking Handbook Arrives!

The cover of the Coworking Handbook, made with love by Pascal Van den Driessche (aka @suprasonic)

The cover of the Coworking Handbook, made with love by Pascal Van den Driessche (aka @suprasonic) at the @Betacowork

Finally, after so many months of work, the Coworking Handbook is on its way to the printer.

I have just submitted it to Amazon for approval. If everything goes well, the OK should arrive within the next 24 hours.

Next steps: craft the Kindle version as soon as I get the approval (I cannot do it before that), present the book in New York, take a little vacation, and translate it to Spanish.

Time to sleep now, couldn’t even sleep last night thinking about it :)

